
s360 & F-Secure: F-Secure jump up 700 positions among the strongest websites in the world

A successful B2B domain migration of four new domains resulted in significantly increased visibility in just two months.

The Challenge

Integrating four new domains in only two months

A part of F-Secure’s safety strategy was to integrate MWR Infosecurity into F-Secure’s website. F-Secure reached out to s360 Finland for professional guidance to integrate four new domains – countercept.com, mwrinfosecurity.com, labs.mwrinfosecurity.com and phishd.com – to f-secure.com/business. The project's timeline was only two months.




Cyber security

The Solution

Creating a prioritized 12-step migration plan

F-Secure had an overall idea of what they wanted to achieve with the integration. It was important to ensure that the f-secure.com/business domain's visibility, as a minimum, would stay the same after the project of domain integrations finished. s360 contributed with experience from hundreds of domain integrations to big websites and created a unique process that covered 12 different steps from technical specifications to implementing to re-routing tests. Because the website migration was to be finished within two months, s360 recommended prioritizing the migration of the most valuable sites from the four domains.

All sites were evaluated after relevance, backlink strength, the coverage of keywords and the resources needed to complete the migration. s360 was able to simplify the process even further due to the cooperation method: F-Secure and s360 set up concrete and realistic goals and controlled the process weekly for eight weeks. Finally, s360 provided full-time specialists on the migration day to ensure that the indexing and crawling of the new pages met the requirements.

“s360 understood our challenge and was able to react quickly. We had a common understanding of how the domain integration process would be a success, and we defined clear roles and responsibilities. The project became a success and I am very grateful for s360’s expertise.”

- Juha Lanteri, Senior Digital Manager, F-Secure

The Results

Placing among some of the strongest sites in the world

s360 developed a 12-step process that ensured that the domain integration was carried out in a controlled and structured way, with the mapping of over 100,000 backlinks in a new information architecture on the website, carrying out technical analysis and implementation with continuous testing along the way. As a result of the new B2B domain integration, F-Secure’s whole domain rose with over 700 positions in Google's SERP among some of the strongest websites in the world.

The Client


F-Secure is a leading Finnish cybersecurity company with a presence in over 100 countries worldwide.

MWR Infosecurity was bought by F-Secure in 2018, which was the biggest acquisition in the company’s history.



Mathias Hillerup Larsen, CTO & Partner

[email protected]


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